Meet May

AI Assistant for Nurse Scheduling and Staffing

May helps clinical teams optimize shift management, ensures compliance and reduces third-party staffing agency costs.

Find available nurses for tomorrow's shift

Schedule a shift for my unit

Check staff compliance status

Generate monthly scheduling report

Replace spreadsheets and reduce staffing costs

Get a free assessment for your facility or organization and learn how you can rely less on third-party staffing agencies.

How it Works

Customizable Assistant for SMS, Web, Mobile and Wearables

May can assist individually, or work as a team, by integrating with your existing Payroll, Employee Management Records (EMR), Vendor Management Systems (VMS), and Healthcare Compliance Software (HCS).

Web Portal for Executives, Nurse and Unit Managers

Provides shift-level census, acuity prediction, AI-assisted schedule design, reporting and real-time communication based on your facility’s needs and capacity.

SMS notifications with a Mobile and Watch App for Nurses

Automates individuals’ schedules based on their preferences and dynamically prioritizes opportunities for overtime and other schedule adjustments based on seniority and speciality.

Metrics that matter

Saves Time

6 Hrs


Improves Scheduling


Shift Optimization

Fast Implementation

2 Hrs



Pricing options built around your workforce

Different tiers, from automations in smaller organizations, to cross-department roll-outs in large facilities. Each plan is curated to meet the needs for any team size, and it includes a base amount of AI interactions.


Ideal for smaller teams or departments.


What's included:

3 Nurse Managers or Execs
60 Nurse Professionals
250 AI Interactions
Most popular


Ideal for cross-team collaboration.


What's included:

5 Nurse Managers or Execs
200 Nurse Professionals
450 AI Interactions
Cross-Team Access


Ideal for multiple departments.


What's included:

10 Nurse Managers or Execs
200+ Nurse Professionals
900 AI Interactions
Cross-Team Access
Dedicated Support

Healthcare Centric Technology

Take Control of your Staffing Management and Compliance


Frequently asked questions

We've compiled the most important information to help you get the most out of your experience. Can't find what you're looking for ? Contact us.

May is our Assistant's name.

Still have questions ?

Have questions or need assistance ? Our team is here to help!